Saturday 9 January 2016


Duct Tape screenplay Scene one – The train journey There is a black screen at the start with a slowly building piece of music made by an accordion. As the screen fades in there is a selection of establishing shots of the journey of the train (from the inside). We then have shots of both Myra and Ian, only showing parts of the body and the bottom of their face. We’re then approached with a shot of the couple holding hands to symbolise the relationship between them. Once the train arrives the two disembark with the camera following behind. Scene two – Train station The shot of the camera following the couple continues until they reach the exit of the station. This is where we have a mid-shot going into a long shot of the couple leaving. A bright light then occurs and there is a flashback. Scene three – The garage - Outside A still, mid shot is taken of the couple approaching a garage tucked down next to a house. The overgrown trees aside and dirty floor showing that it isn’t often looked after and has a ‘make do’ approach. As they open the garage we see, between the couple, a victim, sat broken and bruised, tied up to a chair with duct tape around his mouth. The garage door then shuts, leaving the shot from outside continuing for a few seconds. A bright light then occurs again and it cuts back to real time. Scene four – Sheffield - Museum The couple have now arrived in Sheffield, where we see them both enjoying a normal day out, getting food, visiting the museum etc. Firstly is the museum with a pan shot to show them entering then a still, close up of the two talking with each other to encourage the emotion and comfort they have for one another. The camera then moves up to what seems to be historic tools or weapons from the past to where another bright light occurs and a flashback again happens. Scene five – The garage – Inside #1 Introduced by a bright light, the audience is met with a shot of ‘torture-like’ tools through the technique of action match, giving the idea that the scene is back into the garage. The camera then zooms out and tilts down to show the victim in a closer angle to understand more about their condition and past experience with the couple. The scene exits again with a bright light. Scene six – Sheffield – Eating We then have another mid to long shot of the couple wandering through the city centre, hand in hand, enjoying each other’s company and heading out to eat. The next shot is again a mid-shot that shows them both sat down on a bench with a drink, casually talking and joking around. Scene seven – The garage – Inside #2 Introduced by a bright light again, we have a shot of the victim on his knees, facing a bucket of water. This is tied in with the liquid in the drink being the trigger for the drowning. The audience can also see the bottom half of the couple and can understand that their height over the victim shows significant dominance over him. Ian then proceeds to take the victim and hold his head underwater for what seems to be an excruciating period of time before allowing him back up to gasp for oxygen. The shot then freezes and the entire film goes in rewind with the screeching sound of a quickly reversing old fashioned film tape before cutting to black. A close up shot then occurs of the camera approaching a now more damaged and injured victim sat on a chair. In sync with the music the title ‘Duct Tape’ appears and the shot fades out to end.

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