Monday 4 January 2016

Introduction to group

For our main task, I will be working in a group of two with Ben Locking. We spoke to each other about what each of us could offer if we worked together and we both had different areas which we are successful in, therefore enabling us to perform well and excel in this task.

I pitched ideas and possible themes for this task and can offer insight in to where the film will be shot and how things should be performed whereas Ben can offer his skills in shooting the film and editing it to look high quality.

Our initial ideas were to create a piece of film that will entice the viewer and will engage them with each character in order to create a greater understanding of the film as a whole. We were thinking of a couple who on the outside look like any normal everyday couple, but in their spare time, seek people and kill them through torture for a therapeutic experience until a bounty is placed o them and ends with a Bonny-Clyde esque shoot off.

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